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escaping rabbits

22 10:28:19

I have 4 rabbits who i am having difficulty keeping in the confines of my garden when i let them out for a run, as they insist on digging out. I have even seen one of them stand on its back legs, get the wire in its teeth and use its body weight to pull the wire away from the wood fence in order to escape. I wanted to know whether repellents such as rid a critter that are used to keep wild rabbits out of gardens would be safe and effective to use on domestic rabbits to keep them in a garden. Im really worried about them escaping and not finding them again. thanks, lynn

hello lynn

i would not use any reppellents which people use to keep wild rabbits away, as it may harm domestic rabbits. There is no way of stopping rabbits getting out or digging, in the wild it is what they do best. If you are worried about your bunnies escaping i would buy a really large run for them to have exercise in. buy them some tunnels and toys and they will love it.

hope this helps
