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sudden death in rabbits

22 10:39:52

i had two rabbits thumper and babs both 2 years old but yesturday babs died without any warning she was in perfectly good health and showed no dighns of illness is this common in rabbits? or do you know what cold of caused this to happen?

Hi Michelle,

I am very sorry to hear about your gal.  2 years old is young.  Most likely she had a heart attack or stroke or something like that.  If she was in good shape and showing no signs of problems, and her routine was normal, then there was nothing you could have done.  She may have had a congenital problem that cause the heart attack or stroke.

The only way to possibly know for sure is a necropsy by a vet.  I do have to say that out of the many ways rabbits can pass away, a heart attack or a quick stroke without being freaked out (ie passing away in their sleep) is the best for them.  And us too, I have many people that have to witness a much more traumatic way of their rabbit dying.  Not downplaying your pain, but I am glad you didn't have to go through something worse.

Again, sorry for your loss.  Your bunny gal loved you guys. Hopefully you meet up with her again someday.
