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baldness in rabbit

22 11:18:44

My rabbit is approx 6 years old and has recently developed quite a large area of fur loss on his back. The skin underneath is very dry and flaky. Other than this he seems to be well and eating normally. He also has a problem with his stools sticking to his bottom until he has a large lump which we have to soak in water to remove.Thanks for your help - I really wondered whether I should consult a vet with this problem.

Dear Gill,

Yes, you're going to need the assistance of a good vet to address these health problems.  It sounds as if your bunny has an infestation of fur mites (Cheyletiella sp.).  These are easily and safely treated with Revolution (selamectin) from the vet.  You can read more here:

The messy bottom may or--more likely--may not be related to the mites.  It is a sign of cecal dysbiosis, which is most often caused by incorrect diet:

and by dental problems that cause pain/stress leading to GI tract slowdown:

Please read this article for the whole scoop on mushy poop:

These articles should get you started on the road to your bunny's full recovery.  You can find a good rabbit vet with the list linked here:

Hope this helps.
