Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > hurricane


22 10:20:12

hello im 12 and i need lots of help to protect my rabbit(tiff)from hurricane fay now i under stand your most likly busy getting ready but i need some advice and alot would be nice because im going to sell her soon cause i dont have time to groom her give her attention and feed her all the time so my dad has to step in and i love her to death and if anything happens to her i wold never be the same

p.s.thnak you soooooo much if you send me back a email

             hannah pugh

Hi Hannah,

if you guys are leaving the area for awhile, take him with you. Put him in his carrier and take water and a water bottle, hay, food pellets, and a litterpan with fresh litter in it.  I strongly suggest taking cold packs wrapped with a dishtowel and using them for your bunny, to keep him cool if wherever you find yourself is hot.  (They need to be wrapped in a light towel - don't just put directly onto your rabbit.)  He can live okay for this emergency in his carrier.  Make sure the bottom of the carrier is soft, use a towel or some soft bedding that he can rest on and be comfortable.  If he digs in it that is okay.  Take a towel along to cover the top of his carrier if the sun can beat down on him through the top of the carrier - put the towel on top of the carrier to give him some shade.

I would not suggest leaving him alone.  If we have learned anything about natural disasters and pets, it is that you don't leave them behind.  For a rabbit they hardly take up any space.  One rule we have is that pets are family, and we don't leave family behind.  Please keep him with you, and if you can get to a place that has A/C he should be kept indoors to avoid heatstroke and insects attacking him.

If you are riding it out where you are, have battery powered fans ready in case you lose power, to have airflow for Tiff if the temperature gets hotter.  Have bottled water (fill up clean containers from the tap if necessary) for everyone.  Make sure food and such are stored in something in order to protect them from water damage (like plastic bags, rubbermaid containers, etc).  Make sure Tiff is with you wherever you are in the house for protection, in his carrier.  

Stay safe, and stick together.  Lee