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rabbits claw/nail

22 10:29:41

We have two house rabbits and we were trimming the nails/claws of both today. The second rabbit has black coloured nails/claws and we must have cut down a lttle too much on one of the nails/claws. She jumped out of our hands and the nail/claw bled ever so slightly for a short time. We feel terrible that we may have hurt our little rabbit and want to know what is the best thing to do now??
It has stopped bleeding and she is her usual self but should we see a vet anyway??
We have trimmed their nails/claws before and there have been no problems.
I look forward to a reply
thanks Craig

hello craig

please don't worry. This happens all the time with both rabbits and guinea pigs. It is so much more difficult with dark couloured nails aswell. You done the right thing by making sure your bunnies nail stopped bleeding, thats the first thing you should always do.

All your bunny felt was like a little sting and jumped out of your arms because it made her jump and as she is back to her normal self you definatly dont need to worry

what i do with my rabbits is clip their nails little and often to avoid cutting too deep. but like i said things like this happen all the time.
i hope this is of some help
