Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my daughters rabbit

my daughters rabbit

22 11:37:37

well, my name is monica, and i would like to Ttalk to someone who knows about rabbits, because im having a little bit of trouble with my daughter's rabbit, first this is not a domestic rabbit, i got it at a carnival in mexico, and it costed me like 15.00 us dlls, so it is not an expensive rabbit, it is white with red eyes, and when i bought it , they told me it was a rabbit that would not grow, i could put it on my hand,
now she is bigger and i know she wont grow more ,
but , now she peeing on our feet all the time you cannot be near her , because she is always doing that, and i dont know if this could cause any disease, but my daughter loves her and i dont know what to do. could you please guide me a little with this?  thank you.

 To me if i was u then i would take your rabbit to the vets. This can be anything really. To me it doesnt sound o serouis. But with me not knowing your rabbit then just to make sure i would take the rabbit to the vets.

I do hope i have helped.
                from amie