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unusual hair loss around neck

22 10:26:32

I have an around 5-6 month old european lionhead dwarf rabbit. unknown if purebred. male. I have had him for almost 4months now and when I got him he had a beautiful mane not too long around his head. I tried to brush it often but it still got mats which we brushed out and some times the brush pulled out. that was about a month and a half ago, and his mane never grew back to the way it was before. is that normal? Also, about 3 weeks ago I notice that his fur around his neck and shoulders is only the soft undercoat. I cant see the skin, but it just looks patchy. the loss seems to be getting bigger. I havent taken him to the vet yet cause I live in Germany and dont speak the language very well. Other than the hair loss he is a very active healthy bunny. loves to play, cuddle, eat and is extreamly cuious. this is my first rabbit. i dont want him to be sick. Oh, and he has only been out side a few times several months ago. I stopped taking him out after he got a tick between his shoulder blades. which was removed right away.

Dear Danielle,

Lionhead rabbits are notorious for dental problems, and if your bunny has molar spurs that are making him drool/salivate a bit, then you'll see the type of hair loss pattern that you describe.  Please read:


for more complete information.  You also can find international listings for rabbit vets here:

Your bunny needs a deep dental exam and for any problematic teeth to be filed so he'll be comfortable again (and re-grow his fur).

Hope this helps.
