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Bunny-shedding now

22 10:42:10

Our 1 year old bunny is shedding, and it is September.  Is this normal?  She is pooping fine, but her appetite has decreased.

Hi Jeanine,

she could be starting her fall shed.  Most of our guys are shedding right now.  It's a little tricky too sometimes with indoor rabbits because the temperature changes in a controlled house setting vary a lot less than if they were outside, so sometimes they wind up shedding more than the '4 times a year' rule.  I know this happens to some dogs that live inside.

As long as her output appears good, you may just not see her eating (at night, etc).  She may be losing taste for a few things (it happens).  If it's not that, then I'd take her in and have them give her a thorough checkup.  Checking teeth for problems, checking temperature for signs of infection somewhere.
