Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > why does my bunny click

why does my bunny click

22 11:15:49

we have a new bunny she is small so i dont think she very old. She is extremely placid and gorgious and when i cuddle with her she makes a clicking noise. Could you tell me what this means please.....kerri

Hi Kerri,

when you cuddle with her and hold and pet her, from your description of the noise, I would say she is grinding her teeth lightly.  It can (depending on the rabbit and their mood) range from a few little 'clicks' to a long, almost purring sound that lasts for 5-10 seconds.  Often they will continue to do this as long as you keep doing what they are enjoying.

This is a good thing.  It is a sound a rabbit makes to express pleasure and that they enjoy what you are doing to them.

Congratulations, you have a rabbit that likes you and enjoys being around you.  

Feel free to write back anytime.  Lee