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new rabbit not eating

22 9:59:28

We just got a new bunny yesterday.  She's just about four weeks old, but she's been weaned.  We brought her home and she seemed timid and skittish, but we thought she'd probably adjust.  However, while she seems to be getting used to us, she's not eating or drinking (at least not enough that I can tell) and I have yet to see ANY waste.  I know they can stop eating due to the stress of a new environment, but at what point should I be worried?  Is there anything I can do to check her out, or to encourage her to eat?

Hello Catie
1st off I have to say no baby bunny should EVER be weanned  st 4 weeks.
That is not responsible rabbit raising.
Because of the very thing that is happening to your baby.
The little rabbit does not have enough enzymes in its stomach to break down dry rabbit pellets.
And its not really ready to drunk only water.
If you can get it to eat a slice of banana this may help with appetite. Add 1 tea spoon sugar & 1 tablespoon dry powder milk to a quart of warm water & use that. In a eye dropper. Yet 1 dropper per hour for 5 hrs to hydrate then it might start drinking on its own.
Good luck
FYI 6 weeks is the earliest I would ever wean