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Line across muzzle over nose/Snuffles

22 10:07:57


Line on fur
I've been dealing with a Snuffles issue lately.  I took my rabbit to the vet where he got diagnosed with the Snuffles.  The antibiotic wasn't available that day so the next week my dad picked them up for me (I'm in college and got it the next weekend).  He has now started a 14 day regiment of antibiotics in his water.  My concern is this new line across his muzzle in his fur, above his nose that has developed this past weekend (before medicine).  When I rub up away from his nose there is definitely a change in the way it feels.  Is it possible that my bunny has a swollen sinuses or something to that effect from the snuffles?  I feel like I've called the vet annoying them about this snuffles case and they will think I'm crazy!  I've attached a picture.  Thanks you so much for your help!

Dear Mary,

Please get your bunny to a vet who takes rabbits seriously as patients.  Antibiotics should NEVER be given in the water.  Not only can you not be sure the bunny will get an accurate, regular dose (too low a dose can foster the selection of *resistant* bacteria that are much harder to treat!), but he will be less likely to drink the water with the nasty-tasting drug in it.  Not to mention the fact that many antibiotics will lose efficacy in solution and at room temperature.  BAD idea all around.

Please read this for full information on "snuffles":


and find a more experienced rabbit vet here:

The line on your bunny's nose is due to his shedding off his old coat and growing in a new one. You'll feel a little ridge at the interface, and this is typical and normal. The line will migrate up his face as the new fur grows in.  He may develop similar lines elsewhere, and they're nothing to worry about.  If the shed is severe, be sure to groom him well so he won't ingest too much loose fur:

Hope this helps.
