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Mushy Poop

22 10:40:33

I have had a family rabbit die before and he had mushy poop splattered all over himself.  I now have had a rabbit on my own, Bob (just turned 6 months), for two weeks.  When we got him he had to spend his first days in the hospital b/c I noticed immediately he was not going to the bathroom or drinking water.  He came from an old barn with hundreds of rabbits (we were tricked). Before three days ago he was pooping excessively and the vet said to cut down his veggies to half a handful (we were doing half a cup to 1 cup b/c we read it in a book from the library).  That day he actually wouldn't eat any vegetables and hasn't since then (3 days).  He's eating  his pellets and the hay fine and he has been active and slowly becoming more playful and he's chinning everything.  My boyfriend and I were playing with him this afternoon and he started having mushy poop.  I can't really afford to take him to the vet because I have to pay for his hospital bill right now.  He had one weird poop two days ago that dried white.  I think maybe we're not keeping up with his hay consumption well enough.  I just realized recently he's picky about what pieces of hay he likes and refuses to eat the other parts so it looked like he had plenty of hay, but it's b/c he wouldn't eat certain pieces. I also think he ate a skittle yesterday, but I couldn't get it out of his mouth.  I'm trying to lay out the best picture possible because if there is anything I can do at home I'll do it and I'm trying to figure out the source of the problem so it doesn't happen again.  PLEASE HELP!

Dear Jiselle,

Your bunny is showing signs of cecal dysbiosis:

The most common causes are incorrect diet:

and dental pain:

Keep an eye on his poop output, and be sure you have a good vet who is familiar with rabbits.  (I'm not so sure about the one who told you to remove the fresh greens...):

Also please read this, to know how to tell if your bunny is sick, and what to do:

Hope that helps.
