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health problem

22 10:16:11


our Rocky !!
I'm sorry for bothering you again but it's about a month now that we can't find what our little Rocky has.He started having tears from his right eye and then from both of them.We took him to his vet to fix him his teeth because he has a chronic problem with his molars.Even though she fixed them he continued having tears,also he had a breath problem and he was sneezing.So our vet started giving him baytril injections for about 28 days.She didn't make him a culture test because she believed from the symptoms he had that it was pastereulla and she was afraid that we had already being late one week .Now his right eye is well and he stopped sneezing or having heavy breath but his other eye still having tears.
We also took him to another vet ,the one who had told us the first time that he has a molar problem .
He checked him and he found some spurs again to the in front molars and told us that he had also an injury from a teeth.So he trimmed his teeth again ,for third time in 3 months.At first he seemed better but now his eye started running again.
Besides his eye the second vet found a lipoma above his in front leg ,under his skin and took a sample to check if it's pastereulla.
I forgot to tell you that they had also took him an xray to see the roots but only from the right side,the one which first started having tears, and also they had flushed once his right duct.But his right eye is ok now.
The good thing is that he has good mood and appetite.
Is it possible to give us a clue what to check ?We don't know what else to do and we don't have other vets to know about rabbits.I wish we could bring him to you.
Thank you very much for listening me and sorry for my English.

Dear Letta,

Your English is just fine, and Rocky is adorable!

Unfortunately, runny eyes are a problem that usually is chronic in dwarf rabbits.  Many of this breed have unusually short faces, and this makes it more likely that as they age, the molar roots or any slight inflammation will block the already abnormally narrow tear ducts.  This makes tears back up out the eyes and down the cheeks.

Sometimes, administration of triple-antibiotic/corticosteroid ophthalmic drops (from the vet!) will help keep the tear ducts clear.  Later, as the condition progresses, tear duct flushes can help.  But more often than not, the blockage gets worse with time, and the only remedy eventually will be washing the face with gentle, warm compresses and keeping his fur clean so the caustic tears don't burn his delicate skin.

One of our vets likes to recommend that a weepy-eyed bunny (once neutered or spayed) be allowed to choose a (neutered/spayed) mate (from your local rabbit rescuer).  Since bunnies spend a lot of time kissing and grooming, it often is the case that a mate will keep the weepy bunny's face clean and dry.  Not always, but it does work a good portion of the time.

And even if it doesn't work, Rocky will have a pal to cuddle while you're away at work and unable to keep him company.  :)

I wish I had a better prognosis.  But it sounds as if your vet is doing everything possible and keeping a good finger on the situation.  But I won't lie to you:  runny eyes are usually there for life, once they start to develop, and the only care you can give is palliative.

I hope this helps.
