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Gut statis & furballs.

22 9:40:48

HI, our year old rabbit,Gremlin, is now recovering from Gut stasis. The vet didn't seem sure what had started it as she has high fibre pellets & hay with greens or a slice of pepper one a day. In the end she decided it was probably a hairball problem. Gremlin is a lion-lopX so obviously has some long fur. I've heard that you can give rabbits the cat malt hairball remedy and it works better than the ones that are more of a treat made for small animals. Is it ok to use the cat one for our bunny? What would you recommend.
Thanks Susan.

Hi Susan
I wouldn't use the cat remedy personally, a bunny's gut is so very fragile! Just regular grooming, lots of hay, and occasional papaya pieces or pineapple juice can help.

With your bun when he's moulting you should be trying to groom daily. It's tough keeping up, such small creatures produce so much fluff!

Good luck!