Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Abscess in Baby Bunnies

Abscess in Baby Bunnies

22 11:20:59

I have a two week old baby bunny that has a abscess under its chin.  Wondering if it can be treated at that age.  its mother kicked it at 4 days of age, and guess thats where it came from.  Can you recommend any treatment a bunny so young?

It seems healthy other than that.

Dear Louise,

You need to bring the baby to a good rabbit vet for a culture and sensitivity test:

The baby will probably need to be put on antibiotics, but that will be for the vet to decide.

I can't see the baby, so can't tell the extent of the abscess, but it might need to be opened and debrided.  The vet will be able to tell you.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

Please also see:

Good luck!
