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female unspayed bunny clear viginal discharge

22 9:39:27

I have a female unspayed bunny of 10 months. She has reached her sexual-maturity age and her litter habits have gone awry. She sprays on me, all around the house...that is normal, i know and not at all bothersome to me.
But of late (since she has reached adulthood), i have noticed a clear discharge from her vagina. It is not urine because it smells different. It happens even while she is laying down and she seems quite unperturbed about it.
Is this normal? Should i be worried?
Please advice.

Hi Asmita

Sorry to hear your bun has odd discharge. It doesn't sound normal at all and I would recommend a vet investigate as soon as possible. It could be a urinary/bladder infection or it could also be a womb infection or similar. Definitely needs further investigation and some x-rays.

Hope I helped a little.