Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbit is limping HELP!!!!

my rabbit is limping HELP!!!!

22 10:27:56

My rabbit is limping but he doesn't moan when you touch it or move it about he doesn't run away from you he still loves cuddles and will scratch his ear and sit up on it.

Would could it be?????

Thank you Poppy

Hi Poppy

There are so many things that can cause a bunny to limp.  It is really best to take him to a rabbit savvy vet for an examination.  If it is something like arthritis he may need pain medication.  If he has sore feet (very common in rex breeds and larger breeds) he may need prompt attention before they become infected.

Without a proper examination it is impossible to tell what it may be but they hide their pain as a natural tendency because they are prey animals.  Often time you may not notice just how severe his pain is until he is in dire distress.  

If you do know know of a rabbit savvy vet you can try this link:

You can also go to this link to learn about all sorts of bunny ailments:

I hope you are able to find a vet.  Although he appears happy now if he is hiding any pain he could become stressed.  When they are stressed they have a tendency to want to stop eating.  When they stop eating they are in big trouble.  It is a vicious cycle and it is certainly best to get to the bottom of it before it causes more serious problems.

I hope your bunny feels better soon

