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Runny Rabbit Eye

22 10:27:56

Hi, my mixed rex female rabbit has a runny eye. This problem has been going
on for quite some time. I treated all of my 5 bunnies for a mite that was
diagnosed by a vet, and hoped that that would clear it up. Well, it hasn't. It is
just now beginning to get pretty bad, she regularly has white runny gunk
coming from her left eye. She eats and drinks normally. So i was just
wondering if there was anything that I could buy for her over the counter to
clear it up

Hi Chet,

I am concerned when you say that the drainage is a white color and not clear. White eye drainage can be due to snuffles wich is a highly contagious disease that needs to be treated by a vet. There is a swab test that can be done to tell if this is what it is. Your best bet is to get her into a vet as soon as you can.