Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > male or female ??

male or female ??

22 10:53:05

i have 2 lion head rabbits now about 6 months old. I thought they were sisters but after a bit of fighting about two weeks ago they seem to get on better but now 1 is trying to hump the other but she/he is "doing it" at the wrong end - should i assume she is a he and will sort out the right way to mate eventually ? the other rabbit is not too impressed with this behaviour either Please advise!

Well, the first thing to do is double check the sex of the rabbits.  These sites can help you out there:

But if they are indeed the same sex, this behavior is one rabbit telling the other one that it wants to be the boss.

Rabbits have a hierarchy system.  Some rabbits are more into hierarchy into others.

If both rabbits are intact, spaying them could help the situation:

When they are together, you'll want to watch for signs that a fight is about to begin.  Sometimes it can start pretty quick, but you don't want your buns to get hurt.

Here's some resources on bonding and dominant behavior:

Good luck