Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bene-bac?


22 9:45:18

Would you happen to know if bene-bac for dogs(or any animal) is the same as the one for small animals? And also my rabbit is on antibiotics would this benifit him. Or is it overated?

Dear Marc,

I haven't used Benebac for any species, so can't really comment on its efficacy.  But it can't hurt to give it to your bunny.  As long as the antibiotic is rabbit-safe, though, there should be minimal disruption of the intestinal flora.

I'd have to see the list of microorganisms on the labels of each type of Bene-bac to know if the formulations are different, and unfortunately I can't find this information online.  If you go to a pet supply store and can get your hands on some, just compare the labels.  I suspect there may be different formulations for carnivores than for herbivores.

Given the choice, I'd give a bunny the formulation that's designed for herbivores/rabbits, not the one for dogs.

Hope that helps.
