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Lop rabbit in Tropical Climate

22 10:26:43

Hi, I live in Trinidad in the Caribbean and i wanted to know if Mini Lop Rabbits can live comfortably in a tropical climate. I have asked around for different breeds of rabbits here but the only common one is the New Zealand breed. I wanted to know if it made sense to investigate importing one from away.
Thanks in advance,

If the New Zealands can, a mimi lop could live in the tropical climate.   It's really not a matter of breed.  It's just a matter of making any rabbit comfortable in the climate.

Actually, the tough part for the rabbit will probably be trying to import one.  Rabbits get stressed easy, and the travel might be hard one one.  If you can find someone that imports them, you'll want to find out what the conditions are for the rabbits that get imported, and what kinds of health guarantee the rabbit will have.