Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Do my rabbit has fleas

Do my rabbit has fleas

22 11:17:40

I brought my rabbit in 4/06 and it does scratch somtimes but not constantly but a week ago i have noticed that my youngest son is getting bite his doctor said it is an insect bite and i just want to know could my rabbit have fleas or could it just be something else. 7/29/06

Dear Shirelle,

Rabbits *can* get fleas, but they rarely do unless there are other animals in the house that bring them in, such as cats.  If your son is being bitten by fleas, I would not blame the rabbit.  But it would not hurt to get the bunny treated for fleas/mites, just to be on the safe side.

For information on safe flea and mite control in rabbits, please read:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

DO NOT use flea powders or sprays on your rabbit, even if they are labeled for use on rabbits.  They are NOT safe.  Please get some Revolution (selamectin) or Advantage (imidacloprid), and that will take care of the problem.

Hope this helps.
