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over producing cecal stool, baby rabbit

22 10:42:08

I just got my male holland lop from a breeder.  He was weaned at six weeks which I know is too young.  He got really bad soft stool that was starting to look like diarrhea so I took him back.  After two weeks, the breeder said he was fine.  I have had him home for three days and now I'm seeing excess cecal stool in the cage again.  The breeder didn't give him much hay at all so I've been only giving him a small amount of timothy hay.  i'm still on the breeder's feed.  I've given him a few pellets of 'martin' brand pellets but not much because I'm trying to introduce new pellets slowly.  In the mornings he seems to produce lots of cecal pellets that are quite wet but in the afternoon he seems to be producing normal stool.  I took a sample to the vet for a check but I won't know about the results for 2-3 days.  Is there anything I can do in the meantime to try to get him regular again?

Hi Anna,

his diet at this age should be:

Unlimited amount of timothy hay.  Unlimited amount of alfalfa hay.  Give both kinds.  Swap out old timothy hay every day with new timothy hay.  Top off the alfalfa hay - there won't be much left.

Oxbow brand alfalfa pellets (they are straight pellets, no junk included).  Give 1/2 cup in a heavy crock.  When empty, fill up with another 1/2 cup.

No greens.  No sugars.  No fruits.  No high carb/hi energy foods at all.  His gut is too young to handle this stuff now.

Good water supply.  Either in large heavy crock or bottle.

I would get some acidophilus tablets (you can find banana flavored ones that rabbits like) and also chewable papaya tablets.  The former helps add good bacteria to his gut, and the latter helps digestion.

Exercise time.  Needs to have a good 4-5 hours (or more) of time he can run around and hop outside his cage.  Exercise and the movement of running helps his gut function properly.
