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rabbit pregnancey

22 9:48:58

Well, My friends rabbit has shown some signs of being pregnant. But we are not quite sure. She has made a nest and has been dragging her food into her room and shes been a bit moody. Also, About a few weeks ago my friends, friend came over. I have a rabbit too and hes a boy. So his friend threw my rabbit into my friends garden. Then they started having sex. We pulled them apart about 4-5 seconds into it. Now she might be pregnant. Can you help?

Hi Cameron

Do you know how to feel your rabbits belly to feel the babies? You can gently lift her front paws so she's standing on her hind feet. Run your finger down the center of her belly. The first three weeks, the babies would feel like marbles under the skin. The last week, they will likely feel like soft little plums.

Moodiness and changes in behavior are often noticed during pregnancy. My recent litter, my passive loving doe became aggressive, biting if I even tried to touch her. Dragging food isn't really a sign, but carrying straw in her mouth, constructing a nest, excessively digging are all symptoms.

I would leave her be in a nice quiet space so she can be most relaxed. Sometimes new Mothers are nervous, especially first time young Mothers, so a lot of handling right now or other stressors should be avoided.

Has she pulled fur from her abdomen, chest or legs? Rabbits will often do this a few days up to right before giving birth. The birth usually happens very quickly in as little as 15 minutes. Most often, rabbits deliver at night or in the early morning when all is quiet. It is rare to witness a delivery. I have yet to!

Here is an article on "The Bunny from Conception to Weaning" for your information. it will answer a lot of questions along the way.

If you can remember the approximate date that they mated then you will have a better indication of her due date. Rabbits are usually 32 days from conception to birth. If she goes beyond this by more than 2-3 days, she should be seen by a vet who can give her medication to bring on delivery. Like people, too much feces in the uterus by being overdue is deadly. Knowing the date will keep your rabbit and the babies in better health.

I suggest looking for friends now who are willing to take on the babies. Selling them on classifieds etc. leads to a lot of bunnies being snake food. Sad but true.

Hope this helps. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all about the process.
