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bunny labor

22 9:48:58

This is my very first bunny and shes pregnant, she runs lose in my yard with a male and I kinda figured she was getting close so I was able to catch her today and when I flipped her on her back to check her belly I noticed immediatley her vagina was very swollen and something was moving around in there, so i penned her up in our hutch. But im worried she may have babies somewhere else. Would she leave the nest if she already had babies in one spot? Should I put her back out or leave her in the hutch? I may sound a little over the top but I would like to give her and the babies a fighting chance at life. If you could please answer me back I would greatly appreciate it, as I have no clue what to do. Thank you for your time. Sincerly, Clueless

Hi Brittney

This is my second attempt to answer you. The first time my computer shut down and I lost the reply. Computers.

Do you know how to feel your rabbits belly to feel the babies? You can gently lift her front paws and run your finger down the center of her belly. A week ago, the babies would have felt like marbles under the skin. Now they will likely feel like soft little plums. If you do this, then you will have a good idea on whether she has given birth to them or if they are still inside her.

Do you know how to sex your rabbit? The below link will show you how.

I suggest doing this because another indication of birth would be to check the vagina. If she as recently given birth she will appear red, may be pink smears on her tail from blood and she will appear 'stretched out'.

If you find no babies when feeling her belly or if she does appear to have given birth by the look of her genitals then I would let her go back outside, but follow her everywhere because she would likely lead you right to the nest. Otherwise, I would leave her be in a nice quiet space so she can be most relaxed. sometimes new Mothers are nervous, especially first time young Mothers, so a lot of handling right now or other stressors should be avoided.

Has she pulled fur from her abdomen, chest or legs? Rabbits will often do this a few days up to right before giving birth. The birth usually happens very quickly in as little as 15 minutes. Most often, rabbits deliver at night or in the early morning when all is quiet. It is rare to witness a delivery. I have yet to!

Here is an article on "The Bunny from Conception to Weaning" for your information. it will answer a lot of questions along the way.

Hope this helps. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all about the process.
