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My doe may be dry.

22 10:32:01

My 5 month old had her first litter 3 days ago.  The surviving kit doesn't seem to be getting enough milk.  Today I craddled the doe and had the kit on the doe's belly.  The kid was going from nipple to nipple making sucking noises but never stayed at a nipple for more than a few seconds.  Even after a long feeding the kit doesn't not have a pot belly.  After feeding it was just 31 gms.  I think it was about 29 gms. at birth. It is getting something because at one time it was really wrinkled and it a little smoother now.  Will the mother develop more milk in the coming days?

Dear Tom,

It's not surprising that a doe this young would not have a very successful family.  If the baby searched for that long and got nothing, it's very likely that mama is not producing milk, and you'll have to take over. Please read this for instructions on how to safely raise the baby:

But more importantly, please read this:

I hope this helps.
