Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > false pregnancies with rabbits

false pregnancies with rabbits

22 11:21:09

hi i enjoy your site!
about 4 days ago our female rabbit started to
but a nest with hay/grass that i was feeding them.
see has been with the male for 2 weeks. i was about to seperate them and i noticed the behavior.
do you this she pregnant? i thought see would of had her babies by now?
how long after they pull fur are the kits born?
it has been 3 days since she pulled hair?
and last  when can i put the male back in with her?
thank you for your time and information

Dear Donna,

Rabbit gestation lasts about 28-31 days.  The doe may pull fur a few days in advance, or she might wait until after the babies are born.  If she is having a false pregnancy, it will last about 17 days before she builds a nest, tends it for a few days, and then is ready for "action" again.

Please read:

for instructions on what to do in case she does give birth.  

When to put the male back with her?  Only after he's been neutered!  Please see:


I hope this helps. Please write back if you have any other questions.
