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Wild Rabbits and dogs

22 10:34:02

I own a large tree farm in SC.  Occasionally I see wild rabbits, probably both cottontail and marsh rabbits.  But there are way too many people who let their dogs out to chase these little critters that I'd like my grandkids to see and enjoy.  Also, we have coyotes and fox who eat our furry friends.

I have the time to build safe homes for wild rabbits but can't find any plans.  Can you recommend a link so I can see some blueprints?

Dear Gary,

You are so kind to want to protect the wild rabbits!  

The problem is that it's very unlikely that wild cottontails will actually use a house that you build for them.  The very best protection would be for you to plant thick shrubbery, preferably with thorns, that the bunnies can use as natural shelter.  They will naturally be drawn to this, as it's what they will seek out for shelter on their own.

There's a good web site here that shows how to make good rabbit habitat:

I hope that will help get you started.  Knowing what cottontails like best is the first step towards encouraging them to stay in your safe haven.

Good luck!
