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Pregnant mini rex bunny

22 9:44:32

Should the male be taken out of the cage before the female has her babies?

Hi Bev,

Yes the male needs to be taken out. Rabbits can become pregnant again immediately after giving birth.  Unaltered male and female rabbits should never be left together alone in a cage.  While they may appear to be getting along they can and will fight when left together.  While it is entirely possible to bond spayed and neutered rabbits it is very dangerous to leave unaltered rabbits living together.  If you chose to breed rabbits you should take the doe to the bucks cage, watch them breed and then separate them.

While I believe that all persons should have the right to do as they wish when it comes to caring for their animals I feel it prudent to express to you that there are far to many unwanted bunnies in the world.  I strongly recommend that if you wish to breed rabbits that you ensure that the rabbits you are breeding are both purebred and pedigreed animals.  I also encourage you to join the American Rabbit Breeders Association, you will receive a book with your initial membership few called 'Breeding Better Rabbits and Cavies'.  This book will not only answer this question but any questions you may have in the future.

Good luck
