Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Whats a Rabbit Like?

Whats a Rabbit Like?

22 11:17:57

I'm thinking of getting a rabit, and I don't know a lot about them.

For one, my parents don't want them in the house so,  I am using a shed. We are going to fix the corners so no other animals can get in, but I'm afraid that in the winter it will be too cold. Is there anything  that I could buy to keep it warm in the summer, or is their coat warm enough on it's own?

Next, we are looking for a good bedding for it, but I don't know if rabits get eritation from his bedding. I was woundering if wood shavings would work, if not, would hay work?

Those are some main questions I had but I have a few more that I need answered.

Okay, well, when it comes to the vet, does it need any shots, or does it need a check up, like a dog?

When it come to space, does it need a lot? I don't want him bored, or is he fine?

Now how many times does his cage need to be cleaned, weekly, monthly?

Does he need a litter box? or a bed?

Last and not least, is there any type of rabit that you would recomend. I don't know the types well, and I've never had on before.

Oh, and I you hold them will they bite?


A good resource would be the information for new rabbit owners at  Hay is a perfectly good bedding.  Cedar shavings are not good, pine can be ok.

If you live in the United States, there are no shots required, but a yearly checkup is a good idea.  If you live outside the US, shots may be required, check with a local vet.

More space is good, read the housing info in the above link for more information.

Clean the cage at least weekly or it will quickly become uninhabitable.

A litterbox is fine and a place to rest off the wire (a board or something else is fine).

Each rabbit has its own personality, I would find that out to determine which isn't a good one for you.

If you hold them they may kick and scratch, rabbits do not like to be picked up.  Generally they don't bite.
