Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunny was stuck

bunny was stuck

22 10:53:51

Hello I have what I think to be a female bunny. When I went to go and check on them the other day she was stuck in the wires of her cage right above her hind legs. I dont know how long she was like that. When I set her down she tried to hop but one of her back legs dragged. Now she is hopping a bit more. Today I noticed her ears are curving down at the points. She is eating and drinking  

Hi Jennifer

I would take her in for an Xray.  If the bone is broken they can give her pain medicine.  

They can also check her ears.  It is good that she is eating and drinking but it is really important to get her examined.  I really don't know why her ears would start to curve other than an infection or mites in the ears.  Rabbits that are injured have a weakened immune system and are far more likely to contract seemingly unrelated illnesses.

It is highly recommended that every rabbit get a wellness check up at least yearly.

If you need help finding a vet please visit this site

I really hope that your precious little girl gets better soon.

Thank you
