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posing of the Am. Chinchilla

22 11:32:08

Dr. Roush,
I read your bio. that said you are a judge, and that you edited the 5th Am. Chinchilla guidebook.  My question is -What is the proper pose that this breed (the American Chinchilla) should be judged by?  I show this breed and 99% of the judges 'scrunch' them up into a ball.(Like they do a Mini Rex) According to the info in the standard, and the Official Guide Book of the ARBA, they should be in a more natural pose. How can I educate all these judges that overlook the proper posing of a commercial rabbit, and think of them as a compact breed?   Thank you   Linda Pakulski

The pose indeed is to be a commercial pose. I have been chastised by minirex breeders because I did not 'tuck' their rabbits..but that is NOT the way we are supposed to do it. Newer judges have been consistently tucking everything. I have been a judge for 24 years, and still believe that the reason we start EVERY Judges conference  with a discussion of posing is because it is so important. How cabn you educate them? Doubt that you can. Most are very threatened by exhibitors (as well as other judges) who suggest that they may be doing something incorrectly. It seems that today's judges feel that by passing the tests and getting the license, they have a mandate to do whatever they please on the judging table. I get frustrated when I need to collaborate with judges who tuck the stock. The depth is distorted, the length is distorted, and the animal generally is misrepresented. I feel your pain, but practically speaking, this is a battle you are destined to lose. Just keep breeding them. The American chin breed is severely at risk of losing its existence if more of them aren't shown at the ARBA conventions. Sorry this isn't more helpful.Are you in Michigan? Steve