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lumps on rabbits face

22 10:53:26

My female rex has developed two lumps on it's face. They have showed up within the last week. They are hard to the touch an the rabbit doesn't seamed to be bothered by them, even when I push on them. One lump is about the size of a marble and the second is a little smaller. It's eating habits are normal. Do you have any ideas? I can send pictures if necessary.

Dear Nathan,

If these lumps are anywhere near the teeth, and they do not move freely with the skin, then you may be dealing with a molar (or incisor) root abscess.  This can be quite serious, and requires the attention of a good rabbit veterinarian before things become very bad.  Please read the following articles:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

Rabbits don't readily show pain, but if these are abscesses you can bet they are sore.  Please don't delay in getting bun to a good rabbit vet for correct diagnosis and treatment as soon as you can.

If it's something less serious, such as a fibroma, then you'll at least know that.

Time is of the essence, though.  I hope this helps.
