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Ear problem

22 11:07:15

My rabbit has crusty light brown colored flakes in his ear, there is some redness. I have not noticed any scratching or shaking of his head at all. He doesn't seem bothered by it either. I can touch his ear without him getting upset unless you try to take the flakes off. I found an Internet site that showed a picture of ear canker and that's what it looks like. I would appreciate any natural remedy you may have as I run an organic farm and don't like to use chemicals and the like.
Thank you for you time.

you can also check for ear can find natural cures that work for mites would be adding apple cider vinegar to his water...the measurements are 1 tablespoon per you would use about 1'4 teaspoon per cup. this helps,and would also help for many ailments in animals. Also,you can clean his ears out with warm salted water compresses.  this will help with the sores.
Good luck,hope he's all cleared up soon!  Elizabeth