Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bonding mother with 2 daughters

Bonding mother with 2 daughters

22 9:46:57

I found a rabbit that turned out to be pregnant in my front yard.

She gave birth to 2 females, 2 males and now they are 6 1/2 weeks old. I separated the males and wasn't planning on ever separating the females until yesterday and today the mom mounted 1 female. She also attempted to get the other one to mount her today.

They chase the mom around the cage until she feeds them.

My question is if I want them to bond, do I still need to separate for weening, and if so, for how long? I sectioned the cage off and one of the babies is clearly upset.

Hi Julia,

I have never bonded 3 rabbits.  However they are still young enough that they should be with their mother unless she is hurting them, as they shouldn't be weaned until they are 8 weeks old and have developed their own immune system.  Anytime we have a mother with a female baby if they continue to get a long we let them stay together.  Mounting is dominance behavior and if the rabbit that is being mounted is tolerant of it then they will probably get a long.  If the rabbit is trying to run away and is attempting to mount the mother then they do not have an official bond.

I wish I could be of more.
