Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Basic Care

Basic Care

22 11:38:08

We just adopted a new bunny and we're having a few difficulties.  First, the rabbit seems to be a bit aggressive when approached.  Is there a certain way to approach a rabbit or a way NOT to?  Secondly, we were wondering if you had any basic info on how to manage the rabbit.(we're new to this)  Do they need to be in the light, or do they prefer the dark?  Is there a correct way to pick up the rabbit?  Any help would be much appreciated.  Thank you.

Hi ben,
     well first you have got to get your rabbit to trust you.Just walk up to him/her gently and open the cage door and before you stroke him just let your rabbit smell you hand and do this every day before you pick him her up,cause then your rabbit will get to know you and will start to know your scent.Normally rabbit like to be in light but not into much light.Maybe in the shade would be best so it wont be hitting the sun in his/her eyes.
The correct way to pick up your rabbit is:Put one hand behind your rabbits bum and put your other hand under his belly and gently pick him up and put him against your chest but make sure you have your hand under his bum as he will feel safer that way.
Hope this helps and good luck from Natasha