Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Research


22 9:47:58

Hello Mr. Meyer,
I am an eighth grader at Valley New School, a project-based charter school in Wisconsin.  Here, I do projects on topics of my own interest, I am currently in the middle of a project on pet rabbits, specifically diet, exercise, and illnesses common in elderly rabbits.  I was hoping to use you as my live expert.
I am interested in this topic because I have a seven year old rabbit, Dreamer, and I'd like to learn how to make his life relaxing in his final years. :#
I have a few questions:
1. How often should a rabbit be fed #based on size) and how much?
2. What components are necessary in rabbit pellets?
3. What are popular ways to exercise a rabbit?
4. How much exercise should a pet rabbit receive daily?
5. What should I watch for in my rabbit to signal signs of illness?
6. Are there any other sources you can share with me?
Thank you so much!
Valley New School


generally I do not answer these as I don't do homework questions.

I will tell you everything you're looking for are in the books I suggest every rabbit owner pick up for their own reference material.

Also I'd check out the House Rabbit Society site ( and browse their hundreds of articles regarding rabbit behavior and care.

Your good regular rabbit vet should be able to tell you some of the more medical questions.

My brief answers.

1-4. Size doesn't factor in.  They are grazers and continually eat and drink throughout the day and night.  They always need hay and it should be topped off several times a day. Pellets are generally timothy-based for adults, generally 1/4 cup per 5 pounds body weight.  They need at least 3-4 hours out a day (or more) in a decent sized area for their size to be able to run a bit, stretch, flop and interact with people.

5. Signs of illness, read my profile info and see below.