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Rabbit leg injury

22 11:17:16

my rabbit recently sustained an injury to her right hind leg and she is unable to put weight on it for a long period of time and is leaning frequently agains the wall of her hutch to keep weight off it. she still eats, drinks, goes to the bathroom etc etc and does not apear to be in any pain. she got the injury while she was digging a whole and was frightend by the screech of a falcon/hawk and started running at a very high rate of speed very suddenly she went maybe 50 feet towards her hutch befe she started to limp. its been a few hours and she is still limping/ dragging the injured leg. could this just be a muscle strain from when she started running? when i felt her leg to see where the pain was she didn't flinch and jerk her leg until i touched the area around her lower leg or the tibia bone.

Dear Dakotah,

Sorry for the delay.  A storm temporarily knocked us off line, but we're back.

Any time a bunny is not putting any weight on a limb, it's time for a trip to the vet.  A bone could be broken, even if just a stress fracture/hairline crack, and if is the case, the bone will need to be stabilized with a proper splint.  A recent hairline fracture might not be visible on a radiograph, and it sometimes takes a bit of healing/calcification before the abnormality can be visualized with x rays.

If you don't already have a good rabbit vet, you can find one here:

I would take her in ASAP if she's still not using the leg, as a broken bone can act as a center for infection if left untreated.

I hope this helps.
