Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 12 1/2 year old rabbit with abscess or tumor

12 1/2 year old rabbit with abscess or tumor

22 10:07:10

My 12 1/2 year old male rabbit recently developed an abscess or tumor on the top of his front left paw.  It is currently the size of a large grape or cherry tomato.  He is still able to hop and has a healthy appetite.  Other than licking the lump on his foot occasionally, he is not favoring it or showing signs of pain.  He's not a "people person" and I'd rather not drag him to the vet at his ripe old age.  I'm doubting they'd even be willing to try to remove a lump on such an old bunny.  

The lump is light pink with various blotches of red, especially after he's been licking it.  It is not oozing anything and has never bled.  

Am I right to let him live out the rest of his life in peace like this?  Is treatment or surgery even possible on a 12 1/2 year old rabbit?

Dear Adele,

If this is an abscess, it might be treatable.  If it's a tumor, it might not be treatable.  Since he's licking it, I suspect it might be causing him some discomfort.  Given all this, I would seriously consider taking him to a rabbit-savvy vet who can have a look and positively I.D. the lump.

If it's an abscess, it's possible it could be opened and debrided with only local anesthesia.  But I would not subject your boy to any extensive procedures at his age, especially if he seems to not be too bothered by the lump.  The course of action will depend on his overall health, and how well the vet (and you) think he could withstand any sort of procedure that would cause stress.

I hope this helps.
