Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Female/male


22 11:06:00

How do you tell if your rabbit is a boy/girl?????Help!!

Hi Casey,
the best way is to hold your rabbit on it's back holding his 2 hindlegs together so he doesn't "freak out".  now find the genital area and gently part the fur around it with one hand...squeeze the genitals lightly...a male is rounder at the opening,and protrudes outward when it's pushed lightly...a female'sd genital is a longer opening and won't protrude when  you push. Always sex a rabbit after 3 months of age otherwise the results will not be accurate because they look very similar.
 This is very difficult to do by yourself,and even for the pro's. If you can't do this,bring your rabbit to either a vet or petstore and they will tell you.
good luck,Elizabeth