Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Baby rabbit cant stand up

Baby rabbit cant stand up

22 10:35:03

QUESTION: We woke up this morning and our baby rabbit (3 1/2 months old) cant stand up.  He is usually very playful, but today he just tips over when you set him down.  if you set him on his feet it seems like he cant hold up his head and then his whole body topples onto its side.  Occassionally he will move his front and hind legs - but barely.  He hasn't eaten anything, won't drink anything.  We have him laying on a heating pad (on low) with water & food.  We are very worried.  Please help...

ANSWER: Hi Krystyn,

Did you get my response to your question?  My computer "burped" as I sent it so I don't know if you got it or not.  In short...get this rabbit to a vet immediately.  If you didn't get my response, let me know and I will redo it and send it again.  But I would consider this life threatening.  I am suspecting one of three things...a spinal injury, an ear infection (and they can injure their spine from violently twisting) or a digestive system issue that is causing toxins to build in the blood.  I had it all detailed out for you...I hope it went thru.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi - i didnt get the detailed response.  Since i submitted the question i've put the bunny on a heating pad (on low) and he is moving more than he was - but is not standing or walking, just moving his legs.  Oddly, he will only lay on his right side.  If you set him on his feet, he falls to the right side only.  If you lay him on his left side, he flops and moves his front and hind legs to flip himself over to his right side.  I have been calling veterinary hospitals and havent found anyone with an "exotics" vet that can see the rabbit today...i'm trying to find a vet.  Any help/advice you can give between now and then is appreciated.

That is sounding more and more like an ear infection.  Look closely at his are looking for what we call a "tick" .  If they are moving back and forth, and it might be very slight, he is scanning which is a sign of a vestibular infection.  Where are you located?  I have contacts all over.  The heating pad is one of the best things you could possibly do....we do that will all incoming wildlife.  If you can't get him into a vet today...he needs hydration.  If you have to syringe water...get some unflavored Pedialyte....the stuff for human babies.  It helps to replenish the lost electrolytes.  If you have the capability of administering sub-q fluids...that might be a good idea.  
