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about breeding

22 10:13:50

QUESTION: Hi! Here's my question: My female rabbit gave birth to 8 bunnies...after we gave all the bunnies away....she didn't get pregnant again but the father is with her in the cage (but not during pregnancy and giving birth)i put him back when the bunnies are all gone...but it seems like she doesnt want to get pregnant again...why is that?

ANSWER: Hello Nathalie!
Well some times does  are not ready to breed and they come in to heat 2 times a month some times more. How long do you keep the buck in the same cage? you should only keep them together for 10-20 min a day this will insure they mate. also this keeps them from fighting and hurting the buck which is what might have already happened.
Try to seperate them for a week  and then put them together as I suggested.  One more cause could be that she has gotten overweight since the last litter and this would make it very hard to get pregnant.
Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Since my female rabbit is done with the babies and we already gave them away....i put the buck in the cage(for 3 weeks long and i havent separate them bcuz the female is not pregnant yet)  but it seems like the buck don't even do anything anymore.. he just stand there and don't even do anything to her...and next morning i saw a great bonding! they were like playing TAG..i know its weird but its true! and y is that?

Hello  Nathalie!
Well  your rabbit may be bred already, If they have been together for 3 weeks  you may have babies in 1 more week!!! ( How do you know she is not Pregnant?..)
Rabbits carry their young for 30 -32 days from the day they are bred. remember this in the future.
as I said  The proper way to get a rabbit to breed is to keep them seperated all the time all day and only put the doe in the bucks cage. By dong this they will sucessfully mate. Now with out getting in to detail about mating they will chase each other around the cage and the doe will finally stop and streach out giving the buck the Ok to breed this is done in the first 2-3 min. they will rest and repeat this again at this time you MUST remove the buck! then repeat this again in about 1 hr. if she streaches out agin and lets the buck breed  she should be bred. if she does not let him breed you should wait 2 days and do it again. until they mate.
You then HAVE to remove the buck and DO NOT put them together again until you want more babies..
REMEMBER rabbits are not like dogs & Cats you can not just keep them together all the time, they need to be seperated until you want to breed them and then and ONLY then they can be put together and you should supervise this so they won`t fight.
Good luck again.