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Help giving medicine

22 11:34:06

Can you help me, my rabbit just had surgery, (she was spayed).  Now there are three drugs she has to take by mouth in liquid form.  She hates it a lot.  I can only get .1 cc a time then she gets very agiated and will not even sniff it for minutes at a time.  I was able to get in pain medice but that only .2 cc.  Now the antibiotics I have to give you 1 cc.  Thats a whole surgenge. I dont know what do it.  Any ideas or tricks please help. Thank you.  

 Well rabbits do get easliy scared. When they are scared they like to be close up to there owners as possbile.

So whenyou go to give your rabbit her medicine, make sure you are oldeing her up near your chest. Rabbits like it there because they can feel your heart beat. and when rabbits feel your heart beat they feel safe.

So when you are holding your rabbit near your chest, just keep talking to her. and then slowly take the surgenge up to her mouth. Slowly try and put it in her mouth. She should let u do this once she knows u are not going to hurt her.
Then as soon as it is inher mouth press the surgenge slowly. dont put it all in her mouth at once.

Then when all of it has gone give her the biggest love she has ever had. and of course let her lie down on the chair or something.

I hope this has helped.

The key to this is to make sure you are holding your rabbit on your chest.

Let me no if you need any more help.

          from amie