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bunny poop

22 10:31:57

my 12 week old bunny has been leaving some strange poops around lately. He's done a few of the ones that are supposed to look like a cluster of tiny grapes, but sometimes he does very small, round poops, and other times its been coming out in blobs with no shape, but not too watery. This has been going on for about 2 days now, and I have been feeding him more hay and less pellets. Should I be really concerned or will this iron itself out over time?

Dear Jamie,

Young rabbits are very susceptible to cecal dysbiosis, which is probably what you're seeing.  Please read this for more complete information:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

It would be good to have a wellness checkup done, and mention the mushy poops.  The most common culprit in a rabbit this young is incorrect diet, which you can check here:

Hope this helps.
