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Baby bunnies opened only one eye

22 10:42:19

Hi Pam,

I would like to know that recently my bunny gave birth to two babies on 18/8 and was not well on 31/8, so I took her to the vet and the vet gave her two injections and some drip and said she will be fine the next day but unfortunately it could not recover and the next morning we found her dead.

Now the problem is the baby bunnies have opened their eyes yesterday  but only one side each. I would like to know what will be the reason as I am afraid to take them to the vet because I don't want to loose them.  Will it open by itself or what should I do?  Please help me by sharing your knowledge.  

Waiting for your reply.

Thanks & Regards


Hi Sun

If one eye is open and the other seems to be completely closed I will put a warm compress on the closed eye.  Make sure you use a sterile contact solution and warm it up a bit.  If after a few days the eyes don't open on their own then you may have to take them to the vet.

Honestly I have never had a baby whose eyes didn't open on their own.  It seems odd that both of your babies have eye problems.  Make sure the nest box is cleaned frequently to prevent infection.

I am so sorry about the loss of your doe.  I hope that the babies do ok.

Good luck
