Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit with problems with its paws

rabbit with problems with its paws

22 10:02:45

We had a white miniature rabbit that developed a problem with its front paws: the hair began falling away around the toes and the skin around the claws looked thick and rough.  Within a few days of noticing the problem, the rabbit died.  Now his companion rabbit seems to have the same problem: his toes look the same as the first and he wont put his weight on them.  Otherwise he looks normal and has a good appetite.  What's the matter?

Dear Jonathan,

This sounds like mange, and it is not a fatal condition.  I am afraid your bunny died from something else.  But mange usually shows up only in truly compromised, sick animals, so please get your bunny to a vet for proper treatment:

Also please read:

for info on treatment of the mange.  Mainly, you need to be keeping the bunnies in better conditions so they do not get this parasitic malady.  Please go to:

to learn all the best ways to properly feed and care for your rabbits.

I hope this helps.
