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Thinking about some bunnies......

22 11:33:13

Hi, I am thinking about getting two/three female bunnies(dwarf crosses) as pets but am wondering do rabbits make good pets? I like pet's that will allow you to pet them daily and pick them up every once in a while... pet's that will get along... perferably without being spayed, pet's that will love me back, pet's that live a fairly long time(at lest 6 years).... would a pair/trio of rabbits be good pets for me?

If these are your requirements, guinea pigs might actually be a better choice for you.  Some rabbits get along together, but unspayed female rabbits have an 80% chance of developing uterine cancer in their lifetime, so spaying is very highly recommended.  If they are a trio, they will more likely spend more time with each other and not necessarily with you, although they may like the attention.

You might check out this FAQ on rabbits at  Not all rabbits get along together, and it's not fun to have to take them to the vet after fighting.

You can find info on guinea pigs at  They prefer living in groups, and if of the same gender will not require spaying.
