Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Thinking about some female bunnies.....

Thinking about some female bunnies.....

22 11:33:14

Hi, I am thinking about getting two/three female bunnies(dwarf crosses) as pets but am wondering do rabbits make good pets? I like pet's that will allow you to pet them daily and pick them up every once in a while... pet's that will get along... perferably without being spayed, pet's that will love me back, pet's that live a fairly long time(at lest 6 years).... would a pair/trio of rabbits be good pets for me?

No, if you want a friendly rabbit/s you have to spend a lot of time every day taming it, you can't just leave it for a week without picking it up and then expect it to be just like the bunny it used to be. Females are very territorial and will become agressive when the reach adolescence, aswell as this it is vital they are spayed because there is a strong chance that they will develop uterine cancer at the age of about 3/4. Rabbits can live till they are 12, average of about 6-8. Rabbits need company but will only live happily with the opposite sex, in which case both have to be neutered. But if you are willing to spend a lot of time with your rabbit, then they make excellent, rewarding and friendly pets.