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neutered rabbits

22 10:32:27

Hi, I have 2 male rabbits that I got neutered 6 months ago when they were about 5 months old and they seem to have started fighting again. Is this normal for neutered rabbits and is there anything I can do to help prevent it. They both share a room (about 9x12), are litter-trained and groom each other constantly. Thank you.

Hi Tanya,

neutering stops the hormonally-driven impulse behind fighting.  It doesn't get rid of fighting brought on by personality clashes.

it's a dominance/personality thing.  Dominance can change over time.  And one or both rabbits may nt like the other.  I'd separate them with double gates (so they can't get at each other through the gates) and let them have their own space for a month or so.  Then start with bonding exercises - read up on bonding rabbits at the House Rabbit Society web site ( - search term 'bonding'.  If the bonding exercises fail, you will have to keep them separate if they hate each other.  You may find they can't share living space but may be able to briefly interact (supervised by you) in a common exercise area for an hour or two.
