Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > fur colour change

fur colour change

22 11:18:03

my pet rabbit's fur has started to go brown in patches his fur is normally grey .i've had him 3 years now since he was a baby . his diet hasn't changed he's still fed the same food as always  

Dear Derek,

If a rabbits' fur is exposed to strong light, it can fade, just as anything can.  This usually happens in the summer, when the solar radiation is most intense.

Be sure your rabbit is never housed in direct sunlight where he can't get away from it!  If he's in a hutch, it should be in shade all of the time.  Even in the shade, his fur will probably "sunburn" to a brownish color.  In the fall, when he sheds, I'm guessing that he'll return to his original grey color.

Hope this helps.
